American employers and employees are facing a conundrum: heightened levels of workplace stress and burnout. This concern is exacerbated by ongoing rising costs of health care, financial vulnerability and looming worry about the future of their families.
At VMware, we believe that technology can be a significant force for good by helping address the world’s societal challenges when integrated with existing processes and in partnership with the people working closest to the challenges.
From building a groundbreaking recycling supply chain that has kept over 60 million plastic bottles out of the ocean, to achieving 100 percent renewable electricity in the United States.
While the world is currently working on addressing and recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, women and girls must be both participants and leaders in this process, so their gains are not lost, and a better future for all becomes a reality, says UN Women in a Policy Brief.
The portal has been created to help further sport’s sustainability goals, by providing a free tool where sustainability resources from the entire sports community can be grouped together on one dedicated platform.
The COVID-19 emergency has made it clear that the world needs to work comprehensively to build an inclusive and sustainable future. For this reason, the National Planning Department (DNP), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) with...
The annual review of progress achieved in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (the SDGs) starts next week, with a virtual format meaning it will be the greenest and most inclusive yet.
Cascale shares updates on its strategic partnerships with industry stakeholders geared toward shifting the industry into one that gives back more than...
Through our Goals That Inspire we strive to make a positive difference in our communities by relying on our ability to understand their needs and then...
We invent breakthrough technologies that enable life-changing products and experiences.We’re building on our legacy of technology leadership with 5G...