CITGO Day at Wrigley Field Helps Mark 90 Years of Operations at Nearby Lemont Refinery

CITGO Petroleum Corporation is taking 200 local students out to the ballgame for CITGO Day at Wrigley Field as part of the CITGO Lemont Refinery’s 90th anniversary celebration. These students will be CITGO special guests for the 7:05pm Cubs game against the Pittsburgh Pirates on Wednesday, August 31, with each child receiving a commemorative t-shirt and Cubs dollars for snacks. All Cubs fans attending the game have the chance to join in on the fun: the first 10,000 fans will receive Cubs player decals presented by CITGO.

Smart Growth: Kimberly-Clark’s Commitment To Increase Energy Efficiency

At Kimberly-Clark, we can point to many innovations that have improved energy efficiency and introduced alternative, lower carbon solutions. But Stewart Van Horn, Global Director of Energy Solutions, points out that it wouldn’t be possible without our people.

Republic Services Issues 2015 Sustainability Report

Republic Services, Inc. (NYSE: RSG) released today its latest Sustainability Report for the 2015 Fiscal Year. The Report depicts the Company’s efforts to further improve its environmental and social impacts through decreased vehicle emissions, innovative landfill technologies, use of renewable energy, community engagement, and employee growth opportunities.

Since 2008 Kimberly-Clark Engineers Have Been Using Landfill Gas To Generate Power And Make Operations More Efficient

Landfills play a critical role in waste management, but as waste decomposes, it releases methane – a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. What if there was a way to minimize methane from seeping into the atmosphere? What if there was a way to put it to good use? Those are the questions our engineers have been asking.

Asbestos May Become One of Ten Chemicals Reviewed Under the New TSCA This Year

Since the reform of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) was passed by the Senate and signed into law two months ago, the EPA has received mounting pressure to deliver on promised regulatory improvements and demonstrate their commitment to the spirit of the new law. Industry stakeholders should ensure they are informed about the results of chemical evaluations under the new TSCA law, especially since chemicals that failed to be regulated previously could now become banned. Asbestos, a proven carcinogen, may be one of the first on that list as growing public awareness and civic pressure push the EPA to take action.

Pipelines = A Safer Alternative

Pipelines are the safest, most environmentally friendly way of transporting the oil we use every day. Get the facts.

Bruce Power Keeps the Lights on in Ontario

On August 14, 2003, 50 million North Americans were plunged into darkness in the largest electricity blackout in history.

An estimated 10 million Ontarians were impacted. Traffic lights were out, causing commuter chaos. Senior citizen’s homes were without air conditioning on a sweltering summer day.

Vancouver Film Festival to Honor 'X-Files' Creator Chris Carter for Achievements in Environmentally Sustainable Production

The Vancouver International Film Festival (VIFF) announced on August 24 that it will present Chris Carter, creator and showrunner of The X-Files, with its Industry Builder Award for his efforts to make the production of this year's X-Files event series as environmentally sustainable as possible. The production team's work behind the scenes led to major cost and carbon emission savings and promoted innovative new ways to recycle set materials. Carter will accept the award at a VIFF luncheon on October 7.

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