Republic Services: Sustainable Facilities

Republic’s commitment to sustainable practices extends throughout their operations and into their facilities. When Republic builds new facilities, they adhere to the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design standards.

How Solar Energy Will Power the Future

UPS recently announced plans to invest $18 million in solar power for eight facilities across the United States, part of the company’s long-standing commitment to sustainability and alternative energy sources. The Longitudes team sat down with UPS solar expert Bill Moir to discuss the investment and solar power’s potential for the future.

CITGO Lemont Refinery Helps Local Marines Bring Christmas Joy to Local Kids

Employees and contractors at the CITGO Lemont Refinery joined forces this past holiday season with the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve’s Toys for Tots drive. Collections bins were placed throughout the refinery and over 600 unwrapped toys were collected for needy children in Will and Grundy Counties.

Allie Kelly of The Ray to speak at SMPS Transportation Summit in Jacksonville, FL

Allie Kelly, executive Director of The Ray will speak at the Society for Marketing Professionals Services North Florida's Transportation Summit. The focus of the summit is: Urban Connectivity: How Transportation Technologies are Changing Infrastructure.

Take a Ride on The Ray

The Ray is a proving ground for the evolving ideas and technologies that will transform the transportation infrastructure of the future, and it starts on 18 miles of West Georgia's I-85, and the land and communities surrounding it.

CITGO Recognizes Safety Excellence and Leadership at Annual Contractor Safety Association Summit

The CITGO Contractor Safety Association (CSA) held its 5th annual Contractor Safety Summit at CITGO Park this past November. During the summit, more than 350 contractor foremen and supervisors took part in three separate interactive workshops. The workshops included Leadership Skills; Communication and Perception; as well as Power and Danger of Water and Vacuum.

Near-record Growth Propels Wind Power Into First Place as America’s Largest Renewable Resource

American wind power just achieved its second strongest quarter ever for newly installed energy generating capacity according to a new report released today by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). Wind surpassed hydropower dams to become the largest source of renewable electric capacity in the U.S., and the fourth largest overall.

Opening a New Frontier: Duke Energy Renewables’ 200-Megawatt Oklahoma Wind Project Delivering Power

Duke Energy Renewables has completed its large-scale wind power plant in Oklahoma, the 200-megawatt (MW) Frontier Windpower Project.

Ingersoll Rand Chief Technology Officer Speaks at 2017 Great Energy Efficiency Day Forum

Paul Camuti, senior vice president of innovation and chief technology officer of Ingersoll Rand, a world leader in creating comfortable, sustainable and efficient environments, joined other energy efficiency industry leaders at Alliance to Save Energy’s Great Energy Efficiency Day (GEED) 2017 on Feb. 8 in Washington, D.C.

A Nega-What?

In the five months since he changed the light bulbs, he’s saved over $1000 cumulatively compared to the previous year’s power bill. Those 28 LED bulbs cost him less than $200.

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  3. Recognition of our Company
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  9. Collaboration and Partnership
    Cascale shares updates on its strategic partnerships with industry stakeholders geared toward shifting the industry into one that gives back more than...
  10. Environmental Sustainability
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