A Creative Activity Proves to Kohler Sustainability Champions How Their Efforts Make a Difference
Goals written on puzzle pieces show how individual efforts make up a larger picture
We Believe We're All Part of a Bigger Picture
We Believe We're All Part of the Bigger Picture
For an individual or even a team, reducing a global company’s environmental footprint can seem like a daunting task. “Do my small efforts even make a dent?”
At a recent meeting of Wisconsin sustainability champions (we have more than 150 around the world), associates came to realize just how important their efforts are.
Champions wrote sustainability goals on cardboard puzzle pieces, snapped a photo of them and shared them with fellow champions. The pieces began to connect. The creative exercise opened eyes as champions saw how their piece of the puzzle fit together in a larger sustainability picture.
Because in our journey of Believing In Better, every bit counts—including mine.