PNC's 2017 Corporate Social Responsibility Report

View PNC’s 2017 Corporate Social Responsibility Report »

At PNC, we believe the measure of our success isn’t just found in our financial statements; it’s also in the value we create for all of the constituencies we serve – from our shareholders to our customers, communities and employees. And with each passing year, the story of our success and of the continual advancements we are making on behalf of all of our stakeholders is being told to greater and greater effect here in the pages of our annual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report.

Videos from this campaign

Content from this campaign

Diversity & Inclusion

Q&A with Marsha Jones, PNC Financial Services Chief Diversity Officer
What are the greatest challenges facing corporate diversity and inclusion? How do you and your team plan to address these challenges and seize these opportunities at PNC?

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

Q&A with Dan Hesse Board Member of PNC Financial Services Group
We must make lending decisions in which we effectively balance the needs of our customers and prospective customers with the interests of our other stakeholders. Determining which industries or companies within a particular industry we should lend to isn’t always easy. Another challenge is balancing the long-term payback of CSR with Wall Street’s focus on the next quarter.

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

A Message from our Chief Executive Officer Bill Demchak: Together, We Prosper
The competitive landscape is changing. The regulatory environment is evolving. Confidence in the direction of the economy appears to be growing. Business leaders are cautiously optimistic about talk of pro-growth policies that may be advanced by the new administration in Washington. Yet each week seems to be defined by the dissent and demonstrations of citizens in communities all across our country who fear for our future.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Infographic: PNC's Value Chain
305M spent on minority and women-owned suppliers


PNC Meets 30 Percent Carbon Reduction Goal Ahead of Plan
The PNC Financial Services Group disclosed today that it has met its 30 percent carbon reduction goal four years ahead of plan. PNC set this goal, along with an energy reduction goal, in 2009 with plans to reduce its carbon emissions and energy consumption by 30 percent by 2020.

Research, Reports & Publications

PNC Continues to Advance Its Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility
Similar to a community’s “Main Street,” PNC helps its people, cities, neighborhoods and local businesses. As a Main Street bank, PNC is committed to delivering on each of its strategic priorities while looking out for the best interests of all stakeholders, including customers, communities, employees and shareholders.
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