Weekly Highlights

Highlighting the top news, commentary, and research for the week coming from SHQ. The highlights newsletter also spotlights one profiled organization and their recent activity as monitored by SHQ.

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Events, Media & Communications

28 Predictions from Bentley University Experts On the Future Directions of of Sustainability (Sustainability Highlights | 11.05.2015)
Bentley University (Waltham, MA) is a leading business school offering undergrad and MBA / MBS degrees. There are 4,200 undergrad and 1,400 grad students enrolled, studying accounting, finance, marketing, managements and liberal arts, all (the university says) "anchored" in technology. This private, not-for-profit institution of higher learning offers a blend of business, technology and liberal arts to prepare students with "relevant, practical, transferable skills." So where does Bentley the institution stand on matters regarding sustainability, corporate responsibility, ethical behaviors and other important aspects of 21stCentury business?

Events, Media & Communications

Harvard’s Eccles on the UN SDGs – They Are “Good for Business”
After months of study, deliberation and negotiation, members of the United Nations task force charged with establishing “Sustainable Development Goals” can take a bow -- all 193 member nations have signed on to the goals, which address a wide range of ESG issues, such as solving hunger and poverty issues, addressing inequalities, dealing with climate change issues, creating more “sustainable cities,” and encouraging “more responsible” consumption.

Events, Media & Communications

Corporate Sustainability -- Advice For Fortune Readers -- It’s Not a “Choice”

Events, Media & Communications

Dodd Frank Act at 5 Year Mark Now – There is Still Work to Do
In 2007, the dominoes started to fall. The debt auction rate market caught cold, leading in time to the broad capital markets and housing markets catching pneumonia. Down went the dominoes – click/click/click – US housing prices plunged, lender foreclosures skyrocketed, equity share prices plummeted – and trillions’ of dollars of accumulated wealth disappeared – poof!

Events, Media & Communications

SustainabilityHQ Highlights | Are Consumer Companies Serious About What They Say in Their Sustainability Reports? (September 24, 2015)
Forbes’ contributor Christopher Meyer seeks to ask and answer this question in our Top Story selection this week. He explores the actions and statements about responsibility to society that leading consumer marketers make. Is the commitment and action “for real,” or part of the effort to differentiate [a company] from its consumer market peers via smart PR?

Events, Media & Communications

G&A's SustainabilityHQ Highlights | 2015 RobecoSAM CSA & DJSI Results Released (September 17, 2015)
This week, the results of the RobecoSAM's annual Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) were announced. Along with it, we see the flurry of press releases coming from companies announcing their results -- their inclusion in the various DJSI family of indexes or being recognized with the various other highly coveted recognitions (such as the Gold Class, or Sector Leader recognitions, among others).

Events, Media & Communications Weekly Highlights September 10, 2015

Events, Media & Communications Weekly Highlights August 25, 2015
There is spirited debate in the corporate community and among capital market players: Is global warming occurring...what are the causes (if so)...and can anything be done by the private sector and governments to mitigate the effects if our planet is heating up? The Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) was careful in reminding corporate boards a few years ago to pay closer attention to downside "risk," and upside opportunities related to climate change. In specific terms, "global warming" was not included in the staff interpretation to corporate issuers.

Events, Media & Communications Weekly Highlights August 19, 2015
As more corporate enterprises launch their sustainability journey -- or enhance the journey as it matures -- the internal discussions are increasingly around: "Where do we go from here?" "What are the stakeholders' expectations?" "What are our peers doing?" "What are the best practices for our company?"

Events, Media & Communications Weekly Highlights August 13, 2015

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