Weekly Highlights

Highlighting the top news, commentary, and research for the week coming from SHQ. The highlights newsletter also spotlights one profiled organization and their recent activity as monitored by SHQ.

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Content from this campaign

Events, Media & Communications

2016 – A Year of Great Consequences and Positive Outcomes For Corporate Sustainability and Sustainable Investing
Graham Sinclair is one of the influentials, the thought leaders in sustainability. He shares his views on “mainstreaming sustainable investment” with us on the Triple Pundit platform. He sees 2016 as the year of the “new normal” for brand name asset owners and their managers to embrace ESG factors in their decision-making. An example is the CDP signatory base of now 822 financial institutions with US$95 trillion in Assets Under Management (AUM). Another strong signal is the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change – 120 members with 13 trillion Euros in AUM. And, PRI with 302 asset owners and 958 investment managers with $59 trillion AUM.

Events, Media & Communications

G&A Supports GSC's "17 Weeks / 17 SDGs" & Davos at 47 Years - Business / Government / NGOs Convene
Governance & Accountability Institute announces its support of the Global Sourcing Council's "17 Weeks / 17 SDGs Initiative," developed by GSC in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that were adopted by all 193 countries at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015.

Events, Media & Communications

3BL Media and G&A Institute Join Forces To Improve Distribution and Competitive Benchmarking of Sustainability Reports
We have exciting news for you this week about an important collaboration, just announced by G&A Institute and 3BL Media.

Events, Media & Communications

Big Stories of 2015 - What Were Your Choices? Lots of Headlines About Sustainability Last Year
What’s on your list of the top stories of the year just behind us – 2015? Our Top Story this week is a look back at the Top 10 Business Stories of 2015 by Andrew Winston.

Events, Media & Communications

2016 – A “Hopeful” Year for Sustainability Innovation? Technology Experts Share Their “I Hope” List
Elaine Hsieh, director of VERGE at the Greenbiz Group, gave us her “biggest hopes for sustainability technology in 2016,” which Greenbiz presented in a year end post.

Events, Media & Communications

Brief Notes for Your Favorite Investor Relations Officer To Help Move the Needle on Sustainability at The Board Level in 2016
IR magazine, an authoritative voice for the investor relations professional, puts the recent Ceres report in focus.

Events, Media & Communications

Profile: American Cleaning Institute – and the ACI Charter for Sustainable Cleaning
As we monitor U.S. companies’ disclosure and periodic reporting on their respective sustainability journeys, we are seeing that companies have both expanding and narrowing choices.

Events, Media & Communications

Are Public Companies Including Sustainability Information in the Traditional Financial Communications Channels? And a Conversation with Mondelez International Reporting on the Sustainability Journey
We are almost at calendar year end and for many companies approaching fiscal year end -- and that means busy-busy-busy times in the corporate suite as senior managements prepare 4Q / year end results for the earnings release and the details of the earnings call to be scheduled not too far into the new year 2016.

Events, Media & Communications

Sea Change for Public Sector Pension Funds And Other U.S. Fiduciaries – US DOL Green Lights ESG Investing…
On an important societal issue (think of civil rights, or immigration, or highway construction funding, or criminal justice, or environmental protection) the U.S. Congress deliberates and passes the laws (Federal statutes), the President of the United States of America signs them into law, then an agency is directed to develop the “rules of the road” for those affected by or having to comply with the law.

Events, Media & Communications

Good Advice for Corporate Boards on Sustainability From Bob Eccles - Prominent Harvard Business School Voice
Professor Bob Eccles of Harvard Business School is out front and very vocal on key corporate sustainability issues (like the global Integrated Reporting movement and continued expansion of sustainable investing). In a Forbes commentary he offers advice for corporate leadership on “how to show corporate leadership [in sustainability], posing the question to boards and C-suite: “What progress are we seeing in how boards of directors of public companies demonstrate leadership in sustainability?”

More from Governance & Accountability Institute, Inc.

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