ScottsMiracle-Gro | Youth Empowerment

Every student deserves a chance to reach their full potential and achieve social and economic mobility. ScottsMiracle-Gro is committed to nurturing the next generation of leaders, problem-solvers and entrepreneurs by providing experiential learning opportunities and one-on-one mentoring to help students build a roadmap for future success.

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The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation and Doodles and Digits Bring “How It’s Math” to Public Television and to the Marysville Campus
Math is everywhere, and when Doodles and Digits is involved, math is fun, too. This year, Doodles and Digits and The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation announced a partnership to underwrite the television debut of “How It’s Math” on Public Television.

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

Scotts Announces Partnership With Every Kid Sports
Our Scotts brand has kicked off a multi-year partnership with Every Kid Sports, a national nonprofit organization, to financially support income-restricted families by funding youth sports registration fees through The Every Kid Sports Pass.


Legacy Project Helps Students Navigate a Smooth Future
Through The Legacy Project, selected students receive individualized coaching, tuition opportunities, and hands-on career exposure.

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

ScottsMiracle-Gro Celebrates First Graduating Class of The Legacy Project
On a cold January weekend in 2018, 17 high school freshmen began their journey as the pilot class of The Legacy Project

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

ScottsMiracle-Gro's Purpose: To GroMoreGood Everywhere
Someone once asked what I’m most proud of when it comes to ScottsMiracle-Gro, and it’s not our brands or industry leadership. It’s about being a part of something bigger, being part of an organization that is rooted in family and in purpose.
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  9. ScottsMiracle-Gro Corporate Social Responsibility Report Archive: 2018
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