ScottsMiracle-Gro Corporate Social Responsibility Report Archive: 2018

ScottsMiracle-Gro has been helping people express themselves on their own piece of the Earth since 1868. We invest in our associates, communities and operations to ensure we leave our piece of the Earth better than we found it.

Content from this campaign

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

INFOGRAPHIC | ScottsMiracle-Gro Continues High Associate Participation in Wellness Program
In 2017 ScottsMiracle-Gro once again saw strong participation in its LiveTotal Health wellness program by associates and their families. Our company established this program in 2005 to support our associates’ physical, financial and personal well-being.


INFOGRAPHIC | ScottsMiracle-Gro Recycles 5 Billion Pounds of Green Waste Annually
Finding a product solution that is a win for the environment, consumers and business is challenging. Green waste recycling is an example of one solution, offering the opportunity to divert waste from landfills by incorporating it into beneficial new products.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

ScottsMiracle-Gro LiveTotal Health Program Helps Associates Thrive
The LiveTotal Health program, established in 2005, provides a comprehensive wellness approach to help our associates and their families achieve physical, financial and personal health.

Research, Reports & Publications

ScottsMiracle-Gro Launches Corporate Foundation, Makes Strides in Waste Reduction in 2017
Inspired by the words of Miracle-Gro founder Horace Hagedorn to “find a need and fill it”, ScottsMiracle-Gro continues to invest in its associates, communities and operations to ensure we leave our piece of the Earth better than we found it. We are pleased to share our latest Corporate Responsibility Update, which provides information on our achievements in the 2015-2017 timeframe.
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  9. ScottsMiracle-Gro Corporate Social Responsibility Report Archive: 2018
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