Nestlé in the U.S.: Healthy Planet

Our 2030 ambition: Strive for zero environmental impact in our operations
The UN estimates that by 2050 the world’s population will grow to almost 9 billion people. In the next 15 years, almost half of the world’s population will be living in areas that are running out of water. Most of the population growth will be in developing countries, where climate change is having the most serious impact. An estimated 60 percent more food will be needed to feed the world, and growing that food will put more stress on already fragile water supplies. Water, and the lack of it, is the biggest challenge the world faces going forward.
The UN believes that the key to adapting to climate change is better water management. We believe this too! Businesses have a huge role to play in reducing water use. As the world’s largest food and beverages company, all areas of our business use water. Farmers need it to grow the crops that we use to make the foods we produce. We also use water in our factories. Here we can take the lead by reducing our water use every year, and finding new ways of reusing it to ensure nothing is wasted by us or those we work with. We must do all we can to protect this precious resource.
Through our industry associations we are supporting global efforts to create sustainable businesses, and care for all of the earth’s natural resources. And we have set ambitious targets to reduce the environmental impact of our operations.
If we are to continue to grow sustainably we must ensure we use the planet’s resources wisely. We are working towards the day when, through efficiencies and new technologies, we can reduce our environmental impact to zero. This will take time but we firmly believe it is achievable.