Nestlé in the U.S.: Healthy Communities

According to the UN, 1.2 billion people still live in extreme poverty. More than 75 percent of them live in rural areas and depend on agriculture, including family smallholdings, for their livelihoods. Over 200 million young people in the developing world have not completed primary school, almost 6 in 10 of them are young women.
Our ambition to improve livelihoods and develop thriving communities starts with education. We believe children should be in school, and be able to get an education. We also believe in supporting women and girls to be economically and socially active, so they can be successful and independent. So we work with local groups and partners, particularly in rural areas, to support farmers and their families. We provide training for farmers, both men and women, and give their children access to education to help them build a brighter future.
Nestlé began as a family business in a small town over 150 years ago. This local approach still informs everything we do. We are part of the local communities where our factories and offices are based. But being part of a community brings responsibility too. It means respecting the rights of those who work for us and with us wherever we operate. Respecting and promoting human rights is fundamental to our values, and we insist that our partners and suppliers uphold the same high standards that we do. This requires commitment and effort over the long-term. We know that sometimes we will be criticized by those who want us to tackle the problem differently. But we will always be open and transparent, so people can see the journey we are on.