Climate Stabilization

SCS is working to advance climate accounting and reporting based on the latest climate science to help stabilize climate below temperature thresholds recognized by the international community.

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Content from this campaign


Protecting Our Blue Planet: Water, Climate, and the AWS
World Water Day (March 22) provides a stark reminder that fresh water is our most precious natural resource. WWF points out that 1.1 billion people lack access to clean water, 2.7 billion face water scarcity for at least one month of the year, and 2.4 billion are exposed to waterborne illnesses due to inadequate sanitation. The range of threats to groundwater and surface water is mind-numbing – industrial pollution, agricultural run-off, sedimentation, land conversion, to name a few. Now, water security is at even greater risk as a result of climate change. This short article describes this connection, then points to one of the positive developments on the water front – the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS), the first comprehensive global benchmark for responsible water stewardship.


Bridging the Climate Divide
Humans have evolved over millennia to respond to threats that are immediate and urgent. But we’re not inherently wired to deal with existential planetary crises such as climate change. Yet this is the task we face. The science is challenging enough – in recent blogs, we’ve looked at some of the important findings of the past decade that require us to rethink conventional carbon footprinting, policymaking, and mitigation approaches. We’ve also pointed out ways that companies are generating business value from their corporate climate mitigation and offset activities. Compound that with layers of psychological obstacles, and the task becomes even more daunting. Talking about the weather may be a conversation starter, but talking about climate change - not so much. What are these barriers?


Benefits of Including Short-Lived Climate Pollutants in Your Climate Action Plan
In my recent blog, Generating Business Value with GHG Management- Part I (January 25), I explored five ways for companies to derive business value from GHG management strategies: 1) boosting sales through climate-friendly product marketing; 2) enhancing brand value and recognition; 3) earning extra revenue through carbon credits; 4) improving opportunities for funding; and 5) anticipating supply chain disruptions. As it turns out, by including “short-lived climate pollutants” (SLCPs) in your company’s Climate Action Plan, you can extend these benefits even further. This post takes a closer look at the importance of SLCPs and why they should matter to you.


Tackling Climate Change Within the Emerging Circular Economy
As a business paradigm, the circular economy represents a maturing of the global business community. Under this philosophy, biological and mineral resources are no longer simply there for the taking, but are precious natural capital to be stewarded. Air, water, and ecosystems are no longer viewed as dumping grounds for wastes, but are community commons that must be protected. And products are not simply trinkets to be used and discarded, but are designed to serve their function, then to be reused, repurposed, or recycled with the least possible waste. Now, in this period of unprecedented climate change, it is essential for companies, governments and institutions to apply the lessons of the circular economy to our greatest challenge – stabilizing the Earth’s climate.


Two Thought-Provoking Talks at Ecological Economists Event
Ecological economists are playing an increasingly important role in assessing the economic value of natural capital and ecosystem services. SCS Global Services’ Stowe Beam addressed the largely academic audience at the International Society for Ecological Economists conference in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, June 29th with thought-provoking presentations on two topics requiring sound ecological accountability.


The State of Our Climate: What We Need to Do
Stanley P. Rhodes, SCS Global Services Founder and CEO, delivered a short, impassioned speech on the importance of confronting our climate challenge now while accepting the prestigious Acterra Award for Sustainability at the awards ceremony in May 2016.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

SCS, Bon Appetit, and New Resource Bank Among Companies Honored at Sustainability Awards Ceremony
The Acterra 2016 Business Environmental Award for Sustainability was presented to SCS Global Services at a ceremony in late May, recognizing SCS’ three decades of service to the cause of environmental stewardship and social responsibility in the public and private arenas. SCS’ certification, auditing and standards development activities around the world were spotlighted in a short video produced by Acterra for the event.


Can Scope 3 Emissions Assessment Help You Reduce GHGs, Save Money, and Mitigate Risk?
Companies are facing pressure from customers, governments, investors, and other stakeholders to find climate change solutions. Your company can anticipate and respond to these pressures by measuring and managing Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Events, Media & Communications

Get Ready for the Paris Agreement: Develop a Company Climate Action Plan
In this upcoming webinar series, learn how to develop a great climate action plan for your company.


Learn About Changes in the 2016 CDP Scoring Methodology
CDP 2016 Updates - Free webinar series

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