Behind the Numbers: Working To Tackle Breast Cancer in Ghana

Breast cancer remains a significant health challenge globally with approximately 2.3M new cases in 2022. While breast cancer deaths continue to fall in many countries worldwide, in others the situation is very different.

Helping Pennsylvanians Access Health Coverage by Understanding Their Needs and Preferences

The Pennsylvania Enrollment Assistance Program (PA EAP) helps Medicaid-eligible residents learn about their benefits and select the best health plans and providers for themselves and their families.

The Centrifuge Sessions: How Gilead Sciences Is Impacting Autoimmune Disease

Take a spin through the latest in Gilead’s science and innovation in our new series, The Centrifuge Sessions.

Employers Leveraging Technology To Advance Employee Whole-Person Health, One Interaction at a Time

Sabrina Spitaletta, senior director, Public Health at the Milken Institute, and Alexandra Guenther, chief information officer, Leidos, sat down to discuss ways leadership within organizations can lead with a whole-person health approach in mind.

NHS Supply Chain Selects Leidos for Cybersecurity

Leidos (NYSE: LDOS) announced the company has been contracted for cybersecurity work by NHS Supply Chain, which supports excellence in patient care across England and Wales by ensuring access to high-quality, cost-effective medical products, services and food.

Medtronic: Is the First Person To Live to 150 Already Among Us?

Scientists are now speculating that the first person to live to 150 years may already be among us. But where might this future supercentenarian call home?

How Myths About Diabetes Have a Real Impact on Health

A lot of things we commonly hear about diabetes may be based on misconceptions or stereotypes.

A Powerlifter Overcomes the Weight of Diabetes Stigma

As a competitive powerlifter, Nathan Zenero has a unique talent for lifting heavy things. He’s also taken on more than a few challenges in his life, including sports injuries and thyroid cancer.

Jazz Pharmaceuticals Joins the Movement for Awareness and Support on World Cancer Day with The Upside Down Challenge

It is estimated that about 1 in 5 people will develop cancer in their lifetime. Receiving a cancer diagnosis can feel like your life, and the lives of those around you, have been flipped upside down.

Day in the Life: Cristina, DaVita PD Registered Nurse

Cristina began her career at DaVita as an in-center registered nurse (RN) but found the educational aspect of a peritoneal dialysis (PD) RN interesting.

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