Electric Utilities Must Prepare for New Roles in the Smart City Transformation

Electric utilities are facing a need and opportunity to transform their business due to the bidirectional nature of distributed generation and energy storage. This is just one of several fundamental changes that the smart cities movement is driving to reshape how fundamental services are delivered and managed.

Happy Earth Day from Qualcomm!

Happy Earth Day! This year, the theme of our celebration is “Global Goals, Local Action,” in recognition of the international climate agreement that was reached in December 2015 in Paris, and which we hope will be signed into force by world leaders in New York City today.

Ecocentricity Blog: Probability and Climate Change

When climate change deniers find new evidence that suggests humans might not be driving climate change, that evidence cannot “disprove” anthropogenic climate change. Instead, the evidence might only slightly reduce its probability.

Off-Road Power Storage

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), renewable energy sources could account for more than 70 percent of the global energy supply by 2050. The figure may be based on optimistic assumptions, but one thing is clear: Our future energy supply will come from renewable resources. However, several obstacles need to be overcome before we get to that point.

National Grid Completes Major Upgrade of Canada-New England Transmission Link

National Grid recently completed a major upgrade to its portion of a 960-mile, 450 kilovolt high-voltage direct-current, or HVDC, transmission system that has been delivering clean, carbon-free electricity from Canada to New England for the past 25 years. National Grid is the majority owner of the US portion of the system, which it operates on behalf of some 35 other energy providers. The $27 million project took approximately three years and was completed on time and on budget.

Transitioning from Climate Commitments to Implementation

In the latest Build 100 Blog article, John Gϋlen, senior principal engineer at Bechtel, explores clean power-generation solutions for customers and countries that base their energy consumption on fossil fuels.

Green-e Energy Certifies Southern California Edison’s New Clean Energy Options

Center for Resource Solutions (CRS) announced on July 12, 2016 that two Southern California Edison (SCE) clean energy programs have received Green-e Energy certification—”Green Rate,” a voluntary program offering a 50% and 100% renewable energy option to SCE residential and commercial customers in California, and “Community Renewables,” a program that allows customers to contract directly with developers of clean energy facilities and receive bill credit through the utility. Clean energy generation for both programs will be located in California, and will not count towards the State’s 50% by 2030 renewable portfolio standard goal. Energy generated will be in addition to this goal.

Is MGM Resorts International Really Leaving the NV Energy Grid?

Chief Sustainability Officer, Cindy Ortega, discusses our latest decision to improve our renewable energy portfolio.

TransCanada Releases 2015 Corporate Social Responsibility Report

TransCanada officially released its 2015 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report, which highlights the company’s commitment to operating safely and in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner.

Latest Campaigns

  1. Drive for MPC
    At Marathon Petroleum, our professional truck drivers share one common vision: no accidents, no injuries, and no harm to the environment. We’re proud...
  2. Forests
    Managing our forests sustainably and protecting water, wildlife, and species at risk.
  3. Recognition of our Company
    As the leading sports and live music company in the world, we recognize our responsibility to provide industry leadership and to conduct our business...
  4. Corporate Social Responsibility
    Corporate Social Responsibility
  5. GoDaddy | Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
    Diverse teams build better products — period. At GoDaddy, we make apps and services that our worldwide community of entrepreneurs can relate to. Our...
  6. Press Releases
    See the latest new partnerships and announcements for CSRHub, the world’s most comprehensive CSR metrics database and analysis tools.
  7. License to Operate
    Corporate governance, risk management, operational integrity, and regulatory compliance are demanding challenges that companies face in today’s ever...
  8. Collaboration and Partnership
    Cascale shares updates on its strategic partnerships with industry stakeholders geared toward shifting the industry into one that gives back more than...
  9. Collaboration and Partnership
    Cascale shares updates on its strategic partnerships with industry stakeholders geared toward shifting the industry into one that gives back more than...
  10. Environmental Sustainability
    As sustainability leaders, we implement our sustainability strategy across all company activities along the entire value chain, from raw materials to...