National Grid Urges Congress to Keep LIHEAP Funding to Protect Vulnerable Customers

The White House proposed the elimination of the Low-Income Home Energy Program (LIHEAP) last week. While this proposal is not binding, we urge Congress and the Administration to reconsider this position. LIHEAP, created under President Ronald Reagan, has a history of bipartisan support and has provided millions of vulnerable Americans critical assistance with their energy bills since it was first created in 1981.

TransCanada Employees Empower Their Communities

2016 was a transformational year for TransCanada. Even though we’ve had some big changes, employees and contractors remained dedicated to the local causes they care about.

External Recognition for Our Climate Change and Water Efforts

Our efforts to reduce carbon emissions were acknowledged in 2016 with our inclusion in the ‘Climate A List’. CDP assessed companies globally from across 10 industry sectors; we were one of only 193 companies (9% of applicants) and seven healthcare companies to be A-listed.

Investing in Sustainable Buildings

As we learn more about how sustainable building techniques can be used for industrial purposes, we are putting this knowledge into practice with similar projects in the UK, where GSK funding led to the construction of the country’s first ever carbon neutral laboratory in Nottingham.

Anonymous Engineer Discusses Gold Mining

Did you know that a metric ton of electronic waste can contain 8 to 16 ounces of gold? Whether we like it or not, precious metals show up in more than just that gold necklace or platinum ring we might have purchased - from the titanium used in our high-end mountain bikes, to platinum in our cellphones, to silver in our solar panels, precious metals are all around us.

The Value of Smart City Initiatives Offer New Twist on Old Question of Affordability

Black & Veatch’s 2017 Strategic Directions: Smart City/Smart Utility Report reinforces lessons learned in the past year—although governments and municipalities believe strongly in the smart city model, they continue to struggle to fund these efforts. According to survey data, only 16 percent of municipalities can self-fund a smart city initiative, a little over a third cannot.

PepsiCo: We Expect Suppliers to Share Our Values

PepsiCo’s 10-year-old sustainable business philosophy, Performance with Purpose, is embedded deeply into its workplace culture — so deeply, that it’s part of the "code of conduct" that must be signed and upheld by every employee.

Centrica Launches Responsible Business Update 2016

In the Update, Centrica demonstrates how they are responding to the rapidly changing world of energy to give customers what they want – more choice, more control, more affordable energy and increasingly, lower carbon.

Infographic: Transportation Electrification

SCE is transforming the energy sector with bold ideas to accelerate vehicle electrification. Our Charge Ready pilot program is installing EV charging stations in parking lots where passenger vehicles are parked for extended periods of time. Now we want to do the same for public transportation, medium-and heavy-duty trucks and industrial vehicles.

UK Government Provide Guidance on the Implementation of MEES

With the long awaited Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) regulations due to come into effect in just over a year, the UK Government have finally released additional guidance as to how these will be applied and enforced in England & Wales.

Latest Campaigns

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  2. Forests
    Managing our forests sustainably and protecting water, wildlife, and species at risk.
  3. Recognition of our Company
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  4. Corporate Social Responsibility
    Corporate Social Responsibility
  5. GoDaddy | Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
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  8. Collaboration and Partnership
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  9. Collaboration and Partnership
    Cascale shares updates on its strategic partnerships with industry stakeholders geared toward shifting the industry into one that gives back more than...
  10. Environmental Sustainability
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