Three Often Ignored Factors in CSR — Are You Doing All Three?
Blog by Deborah Rozman, President and CEO of Quantum Intech, Inc. (dba HeartMath Inc.)
Written by Deborah Rozman, President and CEO of Quantum Intech, Inc. (dba Heart…
Corporate Social Responsibility begins with self-responsibility. If not, social responsibility can’t sustain. When we aren’t self-responsible, we drain personal energy needed to power our social mission. We punch a hole in our energy bucket, limiting our effectiveness. Social responsibility is not an entity that survives with people feeding it only when they have energy to do so. It is an expression of who we are, individually and collectively. There is a consciousness shift going on, and part of the shift is realizing that the end cannot justify the means. We have to be the change we want to see. It’s just math. To do that, we have to include three often ignored factors in our definition of sustainability:
Emotional Sustainability – balance and self-management of our emotional energy expenditures; emotional alignment
Mental Sustainability – managing time and overload
Environmental Sustainability (internal) - healthy attitudes and behaviors; respect and care for others and for oneself