D&I Weekly News Round Up: Women in Leadership, Representation, and More

Aug 15, 2023 12:30 PM ET
Caroline Berns, Head of Diversity & Inclusion and Talent Acquisition, MMEA

Originally published by Ericsson

Welcome to the latest edition of our Diversity & Inclusion News Round Up. Today we are talking about a new report from McKinsey, Mattel introducing a Barbie with Down syndrome, Microsoft helping to preserve cultural heritage, and women CEOs finally outnumbering CEOs named John.

World of work

McKinsey just released the latest The State of Organizations” report, covering 10 significant shifts that organizations face right now, including mental health, hybrid working, and DEI progress. Worth reading!

Women in leadership

In 2015, a NYT article showed that women CEOs of S&P companies were not just outnumbered by men, but by men named John. Bloomberg just reported that this has finally shifted, and there are more women leading S&P 500 companies than CEOs named John – but a huge gap remains, both in gender and ethnic diversity. 


Great story from West Africa and MicrosoftPulaar is a language spoken by over 40 million people, but until recently, it lacked a digital script. Without the ability to communicate digitally, the language and the culture would have vanished - but this has now changed.


Representation matters! This week, Mattel introduced the first-ever Barbie doll with Down syndrome, which was developed together with the American National Down Syndrome Society. Watch the video here.