American Electric Power - Aim for Zero Harm
Aug 25, 2011 5:00 PM ET
Is it possible for a company to reach zero harm…. a year without incidents and injuries? We believe it is and strive to achieve zero harm every day.
A large part of working safety is based upon our own set of beliefs and knowledge. For example, imagine you need to replace a light bulb in a ceiling fan. A chair is located near the fan, but it has wheels. Do you use this chair and risk falling or do you take the time to locate a stepladder? It may save you time by using the chair with wheels, but how much time would it save if you fall and suffer an injury? Those extra minutes you took to locate a stepladder would be time well spent. People are fallible and even top professionals with years of experience make mistakes. This is one principal of human performance. The other principals include:-
Error-like situations are predictable, manageable and preventable
Behavior is influenced by the Organization
Behavior is influenced by reinforcement
Events can be avoided by applying lessons learned