NAEM Creates Robust Profile of EHS & Sustainability Profession

As the largest professional association for corporate enviornment, health and safety (EHS), and sustainability leaders, NAEM is the authority on the profession. This ongoing research initiative documents the organizational design, staff levels, budgets, responsibilities and the definition of this cross-disciplinary function within businesses. The series of reports include:
2012 EHS & Sustainability Staffing and Structure: This report is the most comprehensive benchmark of how companies are structured to meet their EHS and sustainability goals. Based on input from 199 corporate leaders from across industry, this report provides an in-depth look at EHS and sustainability departmental structures, staffing, responsibilities, budgets and spending. It also documents the evolving scope of the EHS function, including the role of the EHS manager in developing, managing and reporting on corporate sustainability initiatives. To order a copy of the report or to download a free Executive Summary, please visit:
Hiring the Right Talent: Key Competencies for the EHS & Sustainability Function: Developed in partnership with a committee of corporate leaders, this robust benchmarking survey identifies the skills, knowledge areas and attributes of environment, health and safety, and sustainability (EHS&S) leaders. With questions that address both technical and 'soft' skills, as well as specific responsibilities, the survey findings will provide a detailed portrait of the professionals who are leading a broad range of regulatory compliance and strategic environmental programs for their companies. To learn more about the survey design or to purchase a copy of the report, please visit