Water Mission Delivers Safe Water for Ukrainians With Help From FedEx

Struggling to access safe water, people have resorted to desperate measures, often filling buckets, gas cans, and plastic bags with unsafe water from streams and waterways. The conflict in Ukraine has left more than 6 million people in the country without reliable water sources for their families.
Water Mission began serving in and around Ukraine within days of the invasion, helping refugees and working with an extensive in-country distribution network to meet safe water, sanitation, and hygiene needs. Thanks to support from FedEx, Water Mission can ensure that tens of thousands of people have access to safe water and emergency hygiene supplies.
FedEx safely and swiftly handled eight emergency relief shipments for Water Mission totaling nearly 70,000 thousand pounds, navigating through various logistical challenges, including customs reviews and approvals. These shipments included more than 3.3 million relief items to countries bordering Ukraine to help women and children impacted by the conflict.
These shipments included critical emergency water treatment equipment and water purification supplies to get safe water flowing in cities in and around Ukraine. Thanks to FedEx and the many partners who came alongside Water Mission, thousands of hygiene kits containing personal care items were distributed to help people stay healthy.
“These hygiene kits are small boxes of hope,” said Craig Williams, from Water Mission’s Partnerships and Emergency Coordination team. “They contain basic sanitary supplies—toilet paper, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap—and are sent into Ukraine for women and children who have fled their homes. These supplies can make their lives easier.”
As the situation evolves, Water Mission continues to get safe water flowing in important locations such as clinics, hospitals, shelters, and relief caravans in the cities of Mykolaiv, Pokrovsk, Kramatorsk, and elsewhere in Ukraine.
To learn more about how Water Mission is serving men, women, and children in Ukraine and around the world, please visit watermission.org.
***Photo credit Water Mission