Star Rating for Schools: Helping Kids Get to School Safely

A look back at the official global launch of the SR4S application
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Rafaela Machado (SR4S Global Programme Coordinator), Zoleka Mandela (Global Ambassador, Child Health Initiative & Julio Urzua (iRAP Regional Director – The America’s)

The Star Rating for Schools journey has been made possible thanks to the generous support of the Founding Sponsor FedEx and the Major Donor FIA Foundation, and the amazing network of SR4S Lead Partners and their invaluable feedback and support from the early conception of the programme to the pilot assessments in preparation for the launch.

The Star Rating for Schools Programme was officially launched on Monday 17 February during the Child Health Initiative ‘This is My Street: Safe and Healthy Journeys for Children and Youth’ Conference.

Star Rating for Schools Director, Julio Urzua, iRAP said “Today’s launch is the culmination of seven years of research, development and pilot studies around around the world, where the application has already proven itself impactful in delivering improvements towards road safety. With the support of our SR4S Lead Partners, we are ready to roll out SR4S in more than 1,000 schools around the world and anticipate a larger global demand for this life-saving tool. With the support of current and new donors we want to ensure the benefits of the SR4S app can be felt by as many children as possible.”

The SR4S Global Launch included participation from Rock Sherman, Vice President Road Network Europe, FedEx Express, Saul Billingsley, Executive Director of FIA Foundation, and Nani Rodriguez, President of Gonzalo Rodriguez Foundation.

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