Kostajasa Cooperative Achieves Fourth Cycle Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) Forest Management Certification From SCS Global Services

BALI, Indonesia, December 19, 2024 /3BL/ - KSU Taman Wijaya Rasa (otherwise known as Kostajasa) – a cooperative based in Kebumen, Central Java province, Indonesia – has once again demonstrated its commitment to sustainable forestry by achieving its fourth cycle of FSC Forest Management certification. This milestone marks more than 15 years of continuous certification, underscoring Kostajasa’s dedication to responsible forest management and contributions to the local community.
Kostajasa manages a group of smallholders in the region, focusing on valuable timber species such as Teak, Mahoni, and Sengon. This year, the cooperative expanded its scope to include Coconut Sugar as a Non-Timber Forest Product (NTFP), further diversifying its contributions to sustainable economic development.
A symbolic certificate handover ceremony was held in Kebumen on Monday, December 16, 2024, to celebrate their ongoing achievements and vital role in sustainable forestry. The event was attended by distinguished guests, including representatives from FSC Indonesia, Cabang Dinas Kehutanan (CDK) Wilayah 8 (a regional branch of the forestry service in Indonesia), and the Kebumen Cooperative Office. Todd Frank, SCS Global Services’ Director, Southeast Asia, presented Kostajasa with the FSC certificate.
"We are grateful for this achievement," said Untung Karnanto, Manager, Kostajasa at the event. "FSC certification is not just an accolade but concrete proof that we have met international standards in forest management. Today, we hold a thanksgiving ceremony to celebrate successfully obtaining FSC certification once again for international-scale community forest management for the fourth cycle."
“Kostajasa’s consistent FSC certification over the past 15 years exemplifies the strength and staying power of community-driven sustainable forest practices,” said Todd Frank. “Their dedication to responsible forest management not only supports the environment but also strengthens local livelihoods. SCS Global Services is proud to stand alongside Kostajasa in their journey toward a more sustainable future.”
Through its activities, Kostajasa has made significant contributions to the local community and its members. By providing market access for selling logs and creating job opportunities for harvesting teams, the cooperative has enhanced livelihoods while promoting sustainable forest management practices. These efforts highlight the critical role that forestry cooperatives play in balancing economic, social, and environmental priorities.
The Kebumen Cooperative Office acknowledged Kostajasa’s unique position as the only cooperative in the region actively focusing on forestry activities. This focus not only supports the livelihoods of its members but also contributes positively to environmental conservation.
“Kostajasa’s achievement is exemplary,” remarked Haryono Wahyudi, Head of Disperindag KUKM (Department of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives, and Small and Medium Enterprises) Kebumen. “Their work benefits both the community and the environment, making them a vital part of our region’s sustainable development.”
The cooperative’s long-standing FSC certification highlights their adherence to global sustainability standards, ensuring responsible management of forest resources. By maintaining certification over four cycles, Kostajasa has proven its resilience and unwavering commitment to sustainable practices that benefit both people and the planet.
About SCS Global Services
SCS Global Services is a global leader in third-party environmental and sustainability verification, certification, auditing, testing, and standards development, currently celebrating its 40th year of services. Its programs span a cross-section of industries, recognizing achievements in climate mitigation, green building, product manufacturing, food and agriculture, forestry, consumer products, and more. Headquartered in Emeryville, California, SCS has representatives and affiliate offices throughout the Americas, Asia/Pacific, Europe, and Africa. Its broad network of auditors are experts in their fields, and the company is a trusted partner to companies, agencies, and advocacy organizations due to its dedication to quality and professionalism. SCS is a California-chartered Benefit Corporation, reflecting its commitment to socially and environmentally responsible business practices. SCS is also a Participant of the United Nations Global Compact and adheres to its principles-based approach to responsible business. For more information, visit www.SCSGlobalServices.com
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Contact Information
Madhumita Mohan
Marketing Manager, Natural Resources