FedEx Courier Personifies Passion in Support of Food Bank

Ever see someone in need, just trying to make ends meet? It’s an all-too common sight, especially in the midst of the pandemic. Seeing people in need happens daily for FedEx driver Steve Warner as he goes out making deliveries in the community. But what can one person do?
Steve put his passion for helping people to work and decided to champion a food drive in the midst of the pandemic. With support from his leadership, and help from his team mates, they replicated their typical Christmas holiday food drive to help meet the critical need for food due to the pandemic.
"Even though we work for a Global Company, our employees raise their families in Tulsa and the surrounding communities. This is where we call home." said Daniel Braswell, a member of the management team where Steve works. "When our people are out on the road seeing businesses closed, schools closed, we know there are people struggling. It gives us all the urge to help. Steve is a perfect example of someone who cares about others in need and is willing to help do something about it."
FedEx team members abide by the “Purple Promise.” The promise states: “I will make every FedEx experience outstanding.” For 20 years Steve has been delivering on this promise with a passion that delivers for his customers and his community.
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