Educating Children in Ukraine on Pedestrian Safety

FedEx Cares works with nonprofits to shape programs that positively impact a social or environmental cause close to our business. For many years, one of the most compelling causes in Europe has been road safety – where our support for global nonprofits has included charitable grants, sharing of expertise, donation of equipment, charitable shipping, and volunteerism.
Our three-year relationship with EASST (Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport) has seen us donate and ship over 100 child car seats to Moldova and even extends to sharing space at one of our UK facilities, providing the charity with much needed storage for road safety items collected by the NGO for charitable redistribution in Eastern Europe.
This summer brings the transformation of our ‘Mobile Information Centre’ – an internal training vehicle - into a touring road safety roadshow. The trailer has been rebranded with the logos of EASST and its partner nonprofit in Ukraine and now features a colourful, child-friendly mascot as part of its new identity. A FedEx driver will join a crew from Impact charity for a six-week tour of communities and schools in Ukraine. The roadshow aims to positively impact children’s road safety in the country by delivering education on how to stay safe as pedestrians. In addition to loaning our trailer and the support of a FedEx driver, a small FedEx team has supported this initiative by providing the nonprofit with branding and design resources, customs expertise, and managing the logistical aspects for parking and security.