SCS Standards Development

All news coming from SCS Standards

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Responsible Production & Consumption

SCS Standards Releases Revised SCS Responsibly Managed Peatlands Standard for Public Review
SCS Standards is pleased to announce that version 2.0 of the SCS-003 Certification Standard for Responsibly Managed Peatlands is now available for public review. 

Responsible Production & Consumption

SCS Standards Releases Revised SCS-108 Carbon Neutral Standard for Public Review
SCS Standards is pleased to announce that a version 2.0 of the SCS-108 Certification Standard for Carbon Neutral Entities, Buildings, Products, and Services is now available for public review. 

Responsible Production & Consumption

SCS Standards Releases SCS-115 Module C for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage for Public Review
SCS Standards is pleased to announce public review of the SCS-115 Certification Standard for Product Carbon Intensity and Reduction for Chemicals and Co-products, Module C.

Supply Chain & the Circular Economy

Lower Carbon Products and Packaging Claims: A Certification Standard for Decarbonizing the Chemicals Industry
Join SCS Standards on Tuesday, December 10, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. ET (8:00 a.m. PT, 5:00 p.m. CET) for an in-depth discussion on the newly developed standard, SCS-115: Certification Standard for Product Carbon Intensity and Reduction for Chemicals and Co-products.

Responsible Production & Consumption

SCS Standards Releases SCS-115 Module B for Biofeedstock and Recycled Content for Public Review
SCS Standards is pleased to announce that the established SCS-115 Certification Standard for Product Carbon Intensity and Reduction for Chemicals and Co-products has been expanded to include a new module to cover requirements pertaining to biofeedstock and recycled content.

More from SCS Global Services

  1. Kingfisher Around the World
    The SCS Kingfisher certification mark is showing up on an increasing number of products around the world. It differentiates companies that are making...
  2. SCS Consulting
    Any news coming from SCS Consulting
  3. SCS Standards Development
    All news coming from SCS Standards
  4. Climate Stabilization
    SCS is working to advance climate accounting and reporting based on the latest climate science to help stabilize climate below temperature thresholds...
  5. Advancing Sustainable Development Goals
    SUMMARY: SCS is working to empower companies, NGOs, institutions and government agencies around the globe meet the United Nation's Sustainable...