Purposeful Innovation

We invent breakthrough technologies that enable life-changing products and experiences.

We’re building on our legacy of technology leadership with 5G, which will serve as the technological foundation for connected cars, industrial IoT, smart homes and cities, networking, and mobility. Our Wireless Reach™ program broadens our impact by bringing advanced wireless technologies to underserved communities around the world, enriching the lives of over three million people while creating new markets for our business.



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Innovation & Technology

C-V2X: A New Era of Smart Transportation in the United States [White Paper]
With greater federal government leadership, we can soon be on the road to a future of safer, more economical, and more sustainable transportation – with C-V2X leading the way.


Here’s How Industrial Private 5G Helps Enable Sustainable and Agile Industrial Operations
Over the previous decades, wireless communication technologies primarily addressed delivery of high-speed data primarily to consumers using a smartphone device. Standardization of 5G, within 3GPP, started with a vision to address many more verticals than smartphone use case.

Innovation & Technology

AR, VR, MR, and XR - What They Mean and How They'll Transform Lives
At Qualcomm Technologies, we’re making connectivity more accessible, pushing boundaries to empower you with Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Mixed Reality. But what do these technologies mean and how are they poised to transform your life?

Innovation & Technology

U.S. Technology Leadership and Patents: What Can the Data Tell Us?
I recently moderated a panel of experts hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS): U.S. Technological Leadership and Patents: What Can the Data Tell Us?


Qualcomm Wireless Reach, Acer, Claro, Embratel, Calriz and Instituto Crescer Launch Project To Bring Laptops With Cellular Connectivity to Middle School Students and Teachers
Qualcomm Incorporated, through its Qualcomm® Wireless Reach™ initiative, along with Acer, Claro, Embratel, Calriz, and Instituto Crescer, announced the launch of the ASCON project – Student Always Connected in October.

Innovation & Technology

Qualcomm Inventor Dr. Tao Luo on How Your 5G Phone Connects to a Cell Tower (and Why You Have 4G To Thank for It)
Welcome to Qualcomm Invents. In this series, we’re talking with some of Qualcomm’s most prolific inventors about their work, the impact of their inventions, and their inspiration.

Innovation & Technology

How Qualcomm Inventor Dr. Yeliz Tokgoz's Ideas Improve Coverage and Capacity in 5G
We often take for granted the fact that our phones automatically connect to the nearest cell tower. But behind this simple-seeming fact are thousands of hours of inventing, testing, and problem-solving by some of the world’s smartest people.

Innovation & Technology

Is Causality the Missing Piece of the AI Puzzle?
At Qualcomm AI Research we are exploring various ways in which causal models can be used to solve long-standing fundamental open problems in AI and ML.

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

Announcing Round 2 of the TaroWorks Enterprise Grant
We are excited to announce the launch of the second round of TaroWorks Enterprise Grant, ​​​​where we will award $20,000 to a social enterprise with last mile distribution needs, with funding from Qualcomm® Wireless Reach™.

Innovation & Technology

How ColdTrace X Is Protecting Life-Saving Vaccines, One Cold Room at a Time
Qualcomm products mentioned within this post are offered by Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.

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