Lilly Global Health Programs
Lilly advances global health through the medicines it makes and by advancing the global body of scientific knowledge. Yet Lilly also works to improve global health through a number of programs and partnerships that seek to improve access to medicines, strengthen healthcare systems, and help people in need.
We seek to address some of the world’s most pressing global health problems through our two signature global health programs. The Lilly NCD Partnership is Lilly’s response to the rising burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in economically developing countries. Through this partnership, Lilly is working to find new solutions to diabetes care for people living in impoverished communities. The Lilly MDR-TB Partnership is focused on treating hard-to-treat tuberculosis, or multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB).
Our other global health programs include a U.S. patient assistance program – Lilly TruAssist – for those who struggle to pay for Lilly medicines; Lilly Oncology on Canvas, which helps patients and their families as they navigate their cancer journey; and Elanco’s efforts to address hunger by reducing food insecurity.