Earthwards®: Moving Toward a Healthy Future

At Johnson & Johnson, our top priority is health—health of people and the planet. That’s why we set aggressive corporate wide goals to reduce our environmental impact, outlined in our Healthy Future 2015 goals. To this end, we established the proprietary Earthwards® process for developing and marketing greener products through lifecycle analysis. Every Earthwards® recognized product must achieve a greater than 10 percent improvement in at least three of the seven goal areas:
- Materials used
- Packaging reduction
- Energy reduction
- Waste reduction
- Water reduction
- Positive social impact or benefit
- Product innovation
Earthwards® refers to a process; it is not an ecolabel. At Johnson & Johnson, we recognize that environmental stewardship is not just good for the people and the environment, it’s good for business.
Below is a research study, commissioned by Johnson & Johnson: The Growing Importance of More Sustainable Products In The Global Healthcare Industry
To learn more about products that have received Earthwards® recognition click here.