Domtar's 2017 Sustainability Report


Sustainability at Domtar is our endeavor to take a longer-term view of creating and preserving value for our shareholders, customers, employees and communities. We do this by seeking a clear understanding of how our operations and products are interconnected with emerging opportunities and risks in the world around us.

Please review Domtar's 2017 Sustainability Report, Working Smart for the Long Term, for our latest sustainability initiatives and progress.

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Content from this campaign


Domtar Sustainability: Keeping Our People Safe and Healthy
The safety and health of our colleagues is of primary importance. Keeping our people safe and healthy enables them to be productive members of their families, communities and our company.


Domtar Sustainability: Pulling Our Weight
Unlike their counterparts in Pulp and Paper, our logistics colleagues in Personal Care don’t have a weight problem. Quite the opposite, they struggle to put it on.

Optimizing transportation efficiency is the objective for both of our divisions. They both strive to get the most product in a trailer. One is weight constrained. The other has a space issue.

The reason for the difference is that personal care products are lightweight. It is easy to fill a trailer and be well within the regulated weight limit. The challenge for our logistics colleagues in Personal Care is how to max out the allowable weight limit.


Domtar Sustainability: Driving Forward Using the Rear-View Mirror
You wouldn’t drive forward using only your rear-view mirror. Yet for years that is how many companies, including Domtar, managed safety—using only indicators of past performance to chart a future course.

Today, we have begun steering to improved safety performance using forward-looking safety techniques— addressing potential safety hazards before they result in an injury.


Domtar Sustainability: A Brighter (and Cooler) Future in Jesup
Colleagues at our personal care facility in Jesup, Georgia, are seeing their work in a different light.


Domtar Sustainability: Future Influencers Weigh in on Sustainability Report
At Domtar, everyone has a role in sustainability. Hear which key facts from our 2017 Sustainability Report, "Working Smart for the Long Term," captured the imaginations of some of the brightest young minds at our corporate office. View the full video at


Domtar Sustainability - Trucks, Trains, and Ships - Moving Products to Customers More Efficiently
How do you move your products directly to customers with trucks while using as little fuel as trains? Use both by shipping your products in an intermodal container, which can be moved by both trucks and trains.


FSC-Certified Products Nudging Consumers Into Walking Their Sustainability Talk
For companies such as Domtar and Kimberly-Clark, consumers are crucial to mainstreaming sustainable practices. That is the reason both corporations are working to give shoppers better options, including FSC-certified products. FSC certification helps ensure that forests used to source a host of products are managed in a way that takes into account environmental, social and economic concerns.


Domtar Sustainability: Sourcing Raw Materials
Each year, about two-thirds of our revenue is spent on materials and services needed to make our products. Whenever possible, we source from local suppliers near our facilities. This helps us shorten our supply chain and reduce risk. Proximity allows us to know our suppliers and ensure they produce our materials and render services responsibly, in addition to strengthening the local economy.


Domtar Sustainability: Creating Value for Our Communities
Domtar has been a centerpiece in some of our communities for more than a century. We depend on them, and they depend on us. For every 100 jobs in our facilities, an additional 325 jobs are created.* We have focused on repurposing our assets and executing our growth strategy to keep our facilities viable for the long term.


Domtar Sustainability: Ensuring Top Quality From Pulp to End Product
People may look at our products and wonder what baby diapers and copy paper have in common.

The answer is the core of our business —sustainably sourced wood fiber. It is at the heart of our paper products, and in the case of our personal care products, it literally makes up the absorbent core.

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