As a nation where 90% of all people living with HIV know their diagnosis and are being treated, Germany has made great strides to advance its HIV care goals.
Dr. Summer Sitima is one of 24 siblings born to a Kenyan family in the 90s at the height of the HIV epidemic in Sub Saharan Africa. She vividly remembers the day in 1997 that she first learned one of her older sisters was living with HIV.
Jim Candler had a successful 40-year career in system operations before coming to Gilead three years ago to bring his tech expertise to the Human Resources team.
Gilead partners with various organizations that support people living with breast cancer. One such organization, the Young Survival Coalition (YSC), recognizes the unique needs of people of childbearing age and works with patients under 40.
Luciana is a physician with more than 20 years of experience in pharma and she came to Gilead to help transform treatments for people living with cancer.
In an effort to advance access to cancer prevention and early detection among U.S. workers, the Biden Cancer Moonshot recently announced a series of actions that organizations are taking to improve access and use of cancer screenings.
Forbes has listed Gilead as one of America’s Best Employers for Diversity. We believe that by championing inclusion and diversity, we not only enrich our workplace but also drive groundbreaking advancements in science.
Gilead’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report provides an overview of the work the company is doing around the world to improve the lives of...