Connecting Business to Cause

Social impact is the new standard for how companies address social and environmental issues to drive meaningful and positive change. Through cause-marketing campaigns, event sponsorships, workplace giving programs, volunteerism and pro bono work, companies of all types and sizes are choosing to make an impact through partnerships with specific charities and causes.

In this series, we’re featuring collaborative partnerships between businesses and charities to share how those relationships were formed, what they’re on a mission to accomplish, and what makes them effective. We're also featuring issues regarding a range of causes - animals, human rights, health and research, military and veterans, children, education, elderly, poverty, hunger, and more - and connecting you with charities addressing those issues.

If you come across a cause or specific charity you would like your company to support, America's Charities team of consultants can connect you with the right charity and help you set up a corporate giving program and strategy that fits your needs.  To contact our team, visit

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Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

The “Working Poor” Are One Crisis Away From Homelessness
Did you know that in Central Florida, 1 in 6 people are food insecure? Yes, in America! Over 40% of families in Central Florida are classified as “working poor”. The “working poor” are one crisis away from homelessness.

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

Family Violence Exists Intergenerationally Within Far Too Many Families
As a voluntary private nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, The American Campaign for Prevention of Child Abuse and Family Violence is addressing the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of vulnerable individuals within America's homes.

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

Make-A-Wish Challenges You! Support the Make-A-Wish #ArmWrestleChallenge
The Make-A-Wish #ArmWrestleChallenge kicks off in April as part of the Make-A-Wish® World Wish Day® campaign, raising awareness and funds online to help grant the wishes of children diagnosed with critical illnesses. A wish experience can give kids the mental toughness they need to fight their illness.


Let’s Teach Our Kids About the Economics of Life – Before It’s Too Late!
Should I buy a coffee on my way to work or make coffee in the office break room? Is taking on student loans for a private four year college really the best choice for me? Should I pay my full credit card bill or just the minimum amount? Every adult – regardless of age, income and marital status – makes countless financial decisions every day.

Events, Media & Communications

Make-A-Wish® Challenges You to Support World Wish Day® This April
World Wish Day, April 29, celebrates the day that Chris Greicius’ wish was granted in 1980 – sparking the creation of Make-A-Wish and a global wish-granting movement that has seen nearly 450,000 life-changing wishes come true for children worldwide, since Chris’ wish in 1980.

Social Impact & Volunteering

350 Advocates From Across the Country Storm D.C. for Population Connection’s Capitol Hill Days 2018
This past weekend, 350 activists stormed D.C. for the weekend to speak out against Trump’s Global Gag Rule, and to urge their elected officials to support the Global HER Act, and a robust $1.2 billion U.S. investment for international family planning, including $70 million for UNFPA.


March Is National Reading Month - Join RIF so All Children Have the Ability to Read and Succeed
It’s a startling fact that 25 million children in the U.S. cannot read proficiently and by the fourth grade, 65% of children are reading below grade level. Literacy is an essential life skill that provides the foundation for a lifetime of opportunity. The literacy crisis is real, the impact is staggering, and the need is growing.


World Water Day: Nature for Water
This World Water Day, we’d like you to imagine a few simple scenes. First, imagine yourself on a sweltering summer day, drinking a refreshing cup of cold water. Then, picture yourself finally getting to bathe after a long day of work or travel. Lastly, think of getting up early to cook a big pot of oatmeal for your family’s breakfast. In your mind, was the cold water you drank a cloudy yellow color? Did you have to walk a mile or more to bathe in a murky river or pond? Or did you have to consider that your family might become ill from the food you cooked with contaminated water?

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

Celebrate the Extraordinary Achievements of People With Down Syndrome and Other Disabilities
In 2018, people with Down syndrome and other disabilities are celebrating extraordinary achievements. They are graduating high school with their peers, attending postsecondary programs, enjoying meaningful careers, and living long, healthy and productive lives. NDSS works on behalf of all individuals with Down syndrome across the lifespan. However, challenges remain, as the following story illustrates.

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