5 Minutes of Inspiration

CARE's work around the world is amazing, and we have tons of evidence that proves it. These short descriptions highlight success and inspiration from CARE's work around the world and the evidence from evaluations, project reports, and external partners. They take no more than 5 minutes to read, and will link you to more documents and research if you want to learn more. 

Content from this campaign


IMAGINE a World Where Girls Decide
Globally, around 13 million girls under the age of 20 give birth annually. Child marriage is linked with early pregnancy and birth, especially in the developing world where 90% of adolescent pregnancies happen in girls that are already married.

Supply Chain & the Circular Economy

Why Families in Nepal Eat More Vegetables
“As Dalit landless people, we used to survive primarily on rice, and some days we had nothing to eat. Our children’s stomachs were never full. We now have land to grow vegetables for our family,” says Rubi Sadhya, a member of the Dina Bhadri Women Farmers Group.

Research, Reports & Publications

Women in War

Diversity & Inclusion

Transforming Daily Lives Through Digital Savings
In Sierra Leone, small savings groups have a long history of supporting farmers and marginalized communities, especially women. In short, saving groups have transformed lives, offering financial support and fostering community resilience.

Sustainable Development Goals

Where the Rubber Meets the Road on Localization
In January 2023, we published a blog on What Changes Local Partners Are Asking For, which highlighted a number of operational areas where local partners wanted CARE to shift our approaches to build better, more equal, partnerships.

Innovation & Technology

Learning How To Close the Digital Gender Divide
As our world advances digitally, so does the digital divide, depriving a section of the population of skills critical for navigating everyday life. Women are globally 17% less likely to use smartphones than men and 16% are less likely to use mobile internet.

Diversity & Inclusion

More Than Just Money
Aidah’s words show what gender equality means for her in her life. It all started with joining a community savings group.

Diversity & Inclusion

Towards a Gender Just Future
CARE has supported 16.5 million women and girls to increase their empowerment & gender equality since 2015.
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