2016 Corporate Social Responsibility Overview

We enjoy the patronage of our guests and the meetings and convention industry because of our award-winning integrated resort properties and our impeccable service. We are honored to work with a wide variety of partners to build our business and serve the communities where we operate. We also are privileged to receive the attention of many others who want to know us better, from leaders in regions where we hope to invest, to the financial community, government leaders, media and industry pundits. Our intention in this report is to show these important audiences what lies behind our iconic buildings, the dazzling array of offerings and our strong financial success. Being a socially responsible company is one of the driving forces that transcends our corporate culture, along with our dedication to delivering outstanding service to our customers and valuable return to our shareholders. It is the guidepost by which we hold ourselves accountable for how we treat people and conduct ourselves as a company, how we support our communities and how we preserve our planet.