Alcatel-Lucent in Action: A Year of Progress and Look to the Future

Alcatel-Lucent in Action: A Year of Progress and Look to the Future
“Alcatel-Lucent in Action” is the story of one year of action to transform our company and position it for innovation and growth.
In June 2013, Alcatel-Lucent unveiled The Shift Plan: a 3-year repositioning and transformation strategy that refocused the company on IP networks, ultra-broadband access and cloud technologies — areas in which Alcatel-Lucent has extensive expertise and innovation strengths. Since then, Alcatel-Lucent has concentrated all of its energy on the execution of The Shift Plan.
This month, we went live with a dynamic online annual review — Alcatel-Lucent in Action — which tells the story of those first 12 months, taking you behind the scenes of our innovation company determined to secure a strong future for itself at the forefront of the network industry. A media-rich online report, it immerses visitors in the ongoing story of the company’s progress toward its business, technology but also sustainability goals. It charts employee engagement featuring projects such as Campus in The Cloud for which Alcatel-Lucent employees invest in their communities to make a real difference in the lives of young people around the world.
We welcome your feedback. Please participate in our 1 min survey and 1 Euro will be donated to the Alcatel-Lucent Foundation, dedicated to helping youth innovate in the digital economy.
Read the full blog post here.