ConnectEd Success Story: Learning to Teach in Indonesia

ConnectEd Success Story: Learning to Teach in Indonesia
Nana was enthusiastic, but not prepared to teach a classroom of students in Indonesia until he was trained by ConnectEd. He learned to confront everyday challenges, design and manage curricula, and lead a class. His improvements have benefited his students’ learning.
Read more about how ConnectEd’s training has benefited Nana’s ability to provide a quality education.
More about ConnectEd:
The Alcatel-Lucent Foundation has partnered with World Education Inc. to implement ConnectEd, the global signature program of the Foundation. ConnectEd is designed to address factors limiting the work and life options of disadvantaged youth, with an emphasis on girls and women. The program has better prepared 21,944* young people from marginalized communities for the world of work in Australia, Brazil, China, India, and Indonesia. ConnectEd began in April 2011 and will continue in Indonesia through March 2015.