Love Has No Labels: Five Ways to Prevent Bullying
Wells Fargo joins the Ad Council’s Love Has No Labels campaign to explore ways to create a more accepting world.

It’s not uncommon these days to have experienced bullying firsthand or seen its effects on a loved one. In fact, about 40 percent of people believe they have been bullied because of their identity labels, whether they are race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability, according to a study by the American Journal of Public Health. Through its Love Has No Labels campaign, the Ad Council is working to promote acceptance and inclusion for all.
“If we all work to build empathy and understanding for others, we can each contribute to a more accepting world and be part of the solution,” said Jennifer Walters, campaign director for the Ad Council, a nonprofit with a mission to drive social impact through the power of communication.
Love Has No Labels is a national public service campaign created by the Ad Council in March 2015. Wells Fargo is a corporate sponsor of the campaign for the second year, donating $400,000 since 2016 and committing an additional $100,000 to further the Ad Council’s bullying prevention efforts in 2018. The Love Has No Labels campaign promotes acceptance and inclusion — across race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, and ability — by encouraging people to recognize their own implicit biases, or when they unintentionally discriminate against others.
Since many people face bullying based on real or perceived identity labels, the Ad Council staff provided five ways people can help prevent bullying through acceptance, support, respect, love, and unity. Learn more about how you can help prevent bullying at Wells Fargo Stories.