As France Bans Plastics Demand For Biomaterials Will Increase
The new law, which requires that all disposable cups, plates and cutlery are made of biosourced material, and are fully compostible, comes into effect in 2020. It comes as part of the Energy Transition for Green Growth – an ambitious plan that aims to allow France to make a more effective contribution to tackling climate change.
Although plastic and packaging proponents are fighting the law, it's likely that other EU countries will soon follow suit. And when they do, EcoPlanet Bamboo is ready to provide an alternative. The challenge, as increasingly stringent environmental protection laws are enacted, is for governments, manufacturing industries and retailers to source and secure bio-replacements that are infact preferable. That means that the raw materials for alternative products must come from a source that is sustainable, renewable and contributes to the fight against climate change.
Over the past six years EcoPlanet Bamboo has been developing a global resource base of triple bottom line, sustainability and climate certified bamboo. Our bamboo fiber has the potential to replace unsustainable materials, including in the production of disposable consumer items including packaging, toilet and tissue papers, and textiles.
While bamboo has the potential to be viewed as a green plant, the reality is that like any other crop grown for commercial purposes, it can be grown well, or it can contribute to environmental issues and deforestation. EcoPlanet Bamboo has set a global framework in which bamboo should only ever be planted on highly degraded land, produced without irrigation, undergo international certification and be managed under an integrated framework insuring the long term sustainability of the resoure and its contribution to people and the environment.
This mini documentary provides a succinct overview of how EcoPlanet Bamboo's combined resource and innovative manufacturing solutions can meet challenges such as replacing a nation's dependence on disposable consumer goods.