CNH Industrial Introduces New Car-Pooling App: UP2GO

Jul 25, 2023 4:00 PM ET
Campaign: Our People
CNH Industrial Logo
CNH Industrial’s introduction of the UP2GO app lends a hand to its employees looking to live more environmentally conscious lives, upholding the company’s commitment to sustainability.

CNH Industrial have integrated a carpooling app as a mobility solution to support their colleagues’ commute to and from work and to reduce pollution and road congestion.

With UP2GO, CNH Industrial’s employees will be able to organize sharing journeys in a simple and effective way. Free of charge, their commutes will be more environmentally friendly, more efficient, and less expensive.

The ‘Community’ feature in the app allows communication with other colleagues who have similar hours and routes, where you can offer, request, and plan shared trips to and from their workplace.

The app also allows the opportunity to add points for each journey made (both as a driver and as a passenger) and to redeem ‘green’ prizes. You can also certify cycled or walked journeys as well.

The integration of the UP2GO app into CNH Industrial’s workplace emphasizes the company’s commitment to sustainability – in both the innovative technology of their products and at the plants they are built at.