Purposeful Innovation

We invent breakthrough technologies that enable life-changing products and experiences.

We’re building on our legacy of technology leadership with 5G, which will serve as the technological foundation for connected cars, industrial IoT, smart homes and cities, networking, and mobility. Our Wireless Reach™ program broadens our impact by bringing advanced wireless technologies to underserved communities around the world, enriching the lives of over three million people while creating new markets for our business.



Videos from this campaign

Content from this campaign

Innovation & Technology

Innovation for the Greater Good
We take pride in innovating for the greater good. Our products are helping to empower people and enhance the quality of life around the globe. They’re enabling economic development, “smart” urban infrastructure, efficient transportation, cost-efficient health care and more.

Innovation & Technology

Qualcomm Engineers Empower Micro-Entrepreneurs in the Philippines
To celebrate 10 years of changing lives, Qualcomm® Wireless Reach™ is launching a new video each week showcasing one of its impactful projects and highlighting the engineers behind the technology.

Innovation & Technology

From Wireless to Dynamic Electric Vehicle Charging: The Evolution of Qualcomm Halo [Video]
The future of urban mobility is connected, autonomous, electric, and wireless. And Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. (QTI) is one of the companies leading the charge — figuratively. Qualcomm Halo, our wireless electric vehicle charging (WEVC) technology, is a simple and efficient way to charge electric vehicles (EV), helping drive a cleaner and smarter future for urban mobility.

Innovation & Technology

Scale the Technology Now: Separating Content and Technology in Digital Health
At this year’s Global Digital Health Forum, I was excited to see the range of ways that digital tools are helping us move towards a healthier world. Despite the variation in the types of programs presented, two questions came up in nearly every conference session.

Health & Healthcare

The Hospital Of The Future May Be A Tiny, High-Tech Medical Kit
In so many ways, the gadgets seen in Star Trek remind us that the show is science fiction—a fantasy world inspired by the one we live in. And at times, the show can act as a glimpse into the future. The medical tricorder—that all-in-one portable device that can accurately diagnose anything—sits somewhere in the middle of that spectrum. Medical tech has gotten smaller and more accurate, but we've yet to design a handheld diagnostic panacea. That could change soon.

Health & Healthcare

Qualcomm’s Tricorder XPRIZE is Down to two Finalists
A bit of a mutual admiration society has developed between the two finalists in Qualcomm’s $10 million Tricorder XPRIZE competition. Whatever animus might have developed in the nearly half-decade since the contest was announced at CES 2012 has seemingly taken a back seat to an appreciation for what the other team has accomplished.

Innovation & Technology

Making Technological Investments That Change Lives
Ten years ago at a company retreat, Bill Bold had an idea born out of the frustration of having new technologies people in other countries weren’t able to use.

Innovation & Technology

All Roads Lead to Marrakech: Formula E and COP22 Combat Climate Change
This week, Formula E race cars will weave their way through the streets of Morocco, a first not only for the city but for the entire continent. And that’s not the only reason all eyes will be on Marrakech: The 2016 FIA Formula E Marrakech ePrix will be the official sporting opening event of the 22nd session of the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22).

Innovation & Technology

How 4G is Helping Taiwan Achieve its Smart City and Educational Objectives
Video games. Computers. TV. Children today spend so much time indoors using electronic media that they lack the physical fitness, concentration and social skills of previous generations. Some findings conclude that too much time indoors is directly correlated with decreased academic performance.

Health & Healthcare

Proof that Mobile Tech is Helping Patients Manage their Diabetes
Recently, we gathered in Mexico City to announce the final results of the Qualcomm® Wireless Reach™-supported Dulce Wireless Tijuana (DWT) mobile health study in Tijuana, Mexico that were also published in the Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics journal.

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