PSEG Environmental Stewardship

PSEG’s environmental stewardship is evident in programs and strategies that reflect our commitment to clean air, clean water and waste management. Protection of our natural resources, biodiversity and climate change drive our environmental philosophy. PSEG has a comprehensive management system that promotes continuous improvement and ensures we fulfill our responsibility to protect the environment.

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Content from this campaign


Natural Gas System Upgrades: Good for Safety & The Environment
The flooding caused by Tropical Depression Ida in early September 2021 was unique, even for PSE&G employees who have worked for decades and experienced devastation from hurricanes past like Floyd, Irene and Superstorm Sandy.

Social Impact & Volunteering

Good Neighbors Care for the Earth
We’re all on this planet together! Just learning about the ground under our feet helps inspire us to take care of our environment.


PSEG Joins UN 'Race To Zero' Initiative, Commits to Setting Science-Based Emissions Reduction Targets
PSEG announced that it has joined the Business Ambition for 1.5°C and the Race to Zero campaigns and commits to developing science-based targets.

Sustainable Development Goals

PSE&G Details EV Infrastructure Plan to Reach Net Zero in NJ by 2030
Kim Hanemann, president and COO of public utility PSE&G, joined Cheddar’s "Opening Bell" to talk about the energy company’s commitments to sustainability, renewability, and implementation in New Jersey


An Energy Efficiency Day Challenge
What is the one thing you can do to help in the fight against climate change? It’s as easy as changing a light bulb.

Diversity & Inclusion

Resilience, Respect and Alligator Hide
On Aug. 26, in celebration of Women’s Equality Day, we were honored to hear from three of New Jersey’s most distinguished women in politics about how they have triumphed and continue to do the work of advancing equity for women each day.

Sustainable Development Goals

The Latest Step in Our Carbon-free Evolution
Today, PSEG took another significant step in our evolution as a clean energy infrastructure-focused company, announcing that we agreed to sell our PSEG Fossil generating portfolio to newly formed subsidiaries

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

PSE&G Supports New National EV Goals
We applaud the Biden administration on the signing of the executive order targeting 50% of vehicles sold in the United States be electric vehicles by 2030.


A New Vision for Net-zero, 20 Years Ahead of Schedule
PSEG’s aggressive net-zero vision for 2030 reflects our recognition that the energy sector needs to get as clean as we can, as quickly as possible, if we’re to make progress against the rapidly intensifying impacts of climate change.

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

Making New Jersey a Sustainable State: 32 Towns Receive Grants to Advance Goal
Sustainable Jersey announced the thirty-two New Jersey municipalities selected to receive a Sustainable Jersey grant funded by the PSEG Foundation. Four $20,000 grants, eight $10,000 grants and twenty $2,000 grants were distributed to municipalities in fourteen New Jersey counties.
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