The Elsevier Foundation Innovative Libraries
Translating Knowledge into Practice for Uganda's Rural Health Clinics
At Makerere University in Uganda, finding ways to share knowledge and information throughout a country with limited internet access is nothing less than an institutional priority. Maria Musoke, the University Librarian at Makerere and Sir Albert Cook Medical Library, Uganda's major Health Sciences library, travels regularly with a team of doctors, nurses and midwives to train rural health workers, inform community members, and influence health outcomes. Working through a three year, $100,000 Elsevier Foundation grant, Maria has also taken on an existing triennial medical digest, expanding it to solve community based health problems while librarians develop or repackage the necessary information to support the field visits. The digest features information culled specifically to address major health concerns, such as malaria and other common causes of illnesses in the areas served. Watch the Video: