Aramark Employees Support Breast Cancer Awareness

Aramark Employees Support Breast Cancer Awareness
Breast cancer impacts one in eight women in the United States and 2.3 million women worldwide every year. In an effort to create meaningful engagement for employees during Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October), Aramark Community Relations and Aramark’s EMPOWER employee resource group, which works to drive leadership and development opportunities through the connection and engagement of women, collaborated to create volunteer activities that emphasize the company’s commitment to driving positive outcomes.
Throughout October, Aramark employees raised awareness and support by participating in various virtual and in-person volunteer opportunities. These included designing virtual encouragement cards, supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. (NBCF) to assemble HOPE Kits, and more, including:
- In Philadelphia and Chicago, employees assembled 80 HOPE Kits filled with thoughtful items that patients have said are comforting and encouraging while undergoing breast cancer treatment. The group hosted a discussion about their personal “why,” and wore stickers with the name of the person they were participating in this activity in honor of. The group also watched a video that shared first person stories from HOPE Kit recipients and what receiving the kit meant to them during their cancer journey.
“The NBCF’s HOPE Kits are a tangible expression of hope, providing comfort and encouragement to women undergoing breast cancer treatment. Thanks to these volunteer efforts, we were able to provide kits to 80 women from all over the US, offering additional support during their treatment,” said Kirsten Markovich, Manager, Aramark Community Relations.
EMPOWER’s Marketplace Chair, Emily Mellon, shared, "My "why" for supporting breast cancer awareness is my mom and grandmom - both are breast cancer survivors. After seeing the effects of breast cancer on my loved ones firsthand, I will do whatever I can to ease the experience for anyone else going through this!"
- Tech Day of Pink was held virtually by Avendra Global Supply Chain and Aramark’s Group Purchasing Organization’s IT group. Employees participated in a virtual encouragement card activity supporting NBCF and used a Tech Day of Pink virtual background as a sign of their support and awareness. Multiple locations hosted activities with resources and educational materials on early detection.
- Every Wednesday in October, card writing events were held at Aramark’s Global Business Services location in Nashville. More than 50 volunteers wrote encouragement cards to inspire hope to those affected by breast cancer.
- Aramark Community Relations also shared resources via email about early detection, connecting with others via virtual community groups hosted by, other ways to provide support to those in treatment, and links to access the Aramark Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for more support.
Cooking for Healthier Futures for Women
In addition to the volunteer activities sponsored by EMPOWER and Aramark Community Relations in October, Aramark’s team at Lafayette General Medical Center (Lafayette, LA) participated in the Ochsner Lafayette General Foundation’s annual Gumbo Cook-Off, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The team donned seventies-inspired pink costumes as Teyerance Alfred, Chef Manager at Lafayette General Medical Center, and Greg Gilberti, Food Service Manager, cooked up chicken & sausage gumbo and seafood gumbo, respectively, for the competition. They even shared their tips with the local NBC affiliate.
Watch them in action here: The proceeds from the Cook-Off benefit breast health for women in Acadiana, LA, who otherwise may not have access to screenings.
EMPOWERing Equality and Leadership
EMPOWER is Aramark’s largest and oldest ERG with more than 2,000 members globally.
Since its formation in 2011, EMPOWER ERG has worked throughout the years to accelerate the advancement of women leaders through an annual symposium, development workshops, mentoring and networking opportunities, and community outreach, while also advocating action for women in the workplace and beyond.