Is your company facebook-worthy?

Apr 21, 2010 12:30 PM ET

(3BLMedia/theCSRfeed) April 21, 2010 - In one of his speeches business expert and author Tim Sanders talks about the War For Talent. He argues that companies will need a social offering (purpose, cause, mission) to become Facebook status-worthy - and win. People, especially the Millennials, won´t post an employer on their Facebook profile who they are ashamed of. And, besides: when you’re proud of the company you work for, you work harder without being asked. Your paycheck (so long as it takes care of the rent) isn’t nearly as much a point of contention. You don’t mind a few extra hours. You step outside your job description not as a renegade, but to be helpful and lend your skills where they might be useful. 

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