World Water Week Raises Critical Global Water Issues

At Essity in North America, sustainability is about improving the lives and well-being of people in our communities, our employees, our friends, and our neighbors in ways that preserve our present-day resources and assures that these resources are available for our communities and children in future generations. We strive for this by understanding the pillars that support sustainability that include social, environmental and economic dimensions and execute on them to deliver results toward a circular society.
The business model for Essity in North America is based on strategies to create value through socio-economic and environmental frameworks. Essity believes our manufacturing operations can enable people every day to enjoy a fuller life by supporting the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The goals that are most relevant for Essity to positively influence and the ones which we set targets toward and monitor include: Good Health and Well-being, Gender Equality, Clean Water and Sanitation, Clean Energy, Sustainable Consumption and Production, and Life on Land.
Click here to learn more about our progress in North America on these People and Nature Targets.