Women Empowerment Leaders Challenge Men to Join Their Cause
In new “Business In Society” interviews, women leaders project a win-win business rationale

New York, NY, March 20, 2014 /3BL Media/ - In interviews on the “Business In Society” program to be aired on Direct TV Saturday at 11 AM EDT (channel 222) Dr. Anne-Marie Slaughter, President of The New America Foundation and Ms. Barbara Krumsiek, CEO, Calvert Investments, project a tipping point for women’s empowerment -- if more men can adjust and commit to it.
Dr. Slaughter: “My position is the next phase has to change a lot of norms around men … We need a situation where men and women are both caregivers and breadwinners.”
Ms. Krumsiek: “I look forward to the day when we don’t separate our thinking about genders … And we need that awareness by CEOs, male and female, and men in the workplace.”
Dr. Slaughter and Ms. Krumsiek were featured speakers at the March 6th “Gender Equity and Global Jobs Challenge” conference of the Women’ s Empowerment Principles at United Nations Headquarters in New York. The WEPs program, an initiative of the UN Global Compact and UN Women, promotes a set of seven principles for organizational models that facilitate women’s progress in business, government, civil society and other institutions. It has some 700 CEO signatories.
The Business In Society (www.businessinsociety.net) WEPs television program, available in advance for reviewers via the above link and to be also distributed globally via United Nations auspices, is the first in a new series of BIS planned programs. John Paluszek, (@Biz_in_Society), executive producer, announced that, “having completed our pilot stage of five well-received programs, we are now considering partnerships and sponsorships to enable us to achieve greater program frequency and a broader agenda. There are many important and engaging business-in-society stories yet to be told.”
Earlier BIS programs have reported on the Global Compact’s nine issue initiatives, especially its global water mandate program, as well as on human rights, apparel supply chain issues and an earlier update on women’s empowerment.
Business In Society has an integrated two-fold mission:
To draw new attention of influential audiences to current macro problems in global society and report on new efforts by business to address these problems.
To build understanding and commitment to this principle: It is now not only possible, but necessary, to conduct business ethically and responsibly as well as profitably.
Contact Information:
John Paluszek
646-416-2118 cell