Whirlpool Corporation Ottawa Operations Donates Face Mask Extenders to Lima Hospital
Whirlpool Engineer in Ohio Creates S-Hooks and Extenders for Medical Face Masks Using 3D Printers at Plant
May 13, 2020 9:00 AM ET
Whirlpool Corporate Citizenship
Whirlpool Corporation Ottawa Operations Donates Face Mask Extenders to Lima Hos…
Most healthcare workers are now wearing face masks during their entire shift, which puts pressure and increased friction on the backs of their ears. The chafing and discomfort felt by these heroes working on the frontlines to combat COVID-19 has been documented in the news and on social media over the course of the last couple months.
In order to help, one of the engineers at Whirlpool Corporation’s Ottawa, Ohio Operations, Nathan Ellerbrock, came up with the idea of creating “s-hooks” and “extenders” for medical face masks using the 3D printers at the plant.