What Major Power Providers are Doing With Their Efficient Operations and how Companies can Utilize Renewable Energy Solutions
Better Alternatives
Jul 25, 2017 9:05 AM ET
CR Magazine: May/June 2017 Issue

Originally published in CR Magazine May/June Issue
By Belinda Sharr
Legacy energy producers and distributors have been the target of disruptive business models and technology for decades.
Adapting to competition and increased demand for low-carbon power, even the largest electric utilities and multinational gas and oil giants are behaving like innovative startups in today’s economy, engaging with one-time foes and leaning on corporate responsibility and sustainability practitioners in an increasingly chaotic political atmosphere.
CR Magazine spoke with sustainability experts at Exelon, ExxonMobil, Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) and NRG Energy for details on how they are retooling and repositioning.