Webcast: Effective Social Compliance Management Systems
Improving Social Performance in the Global Supply Chain
Learn more & register for the webcast
At SAI, the belief is that a management system is "trained, committed people routinely following procedures." It is a simple statement, but for this to happen a lot of things need to be in place: senior management commitment, written policies and procedures, training, worker-manager communication channels, monitoring and a corrective action system. In analyzing the effectiveness of a management system, it is important to look at system development and system implementation. Implementation can be challenging because it typically requires change inside the company. The company and its people need to find a new way to do something.
Salient discussion points include:
- Adopt a management system approach to measure and improve social performance in your supply chain
- Key components of an effective social compliance management system
- Leverage SA8000 standard for creating effective social management systems
- Social Fingerprint® and system rating tools to evaluate program effectiveness
- Automate and streamline program elements of social compliance programs
For more details about the webcast and to register visit: http://bit.ly/14a8Drf. For more information, please contact SAI Training Manager Stephanie Wilson - SWilson@sa-intl.org.