Wayne Marr, Principal Manager of Health, Safety and Environment; KBR Industrial Canada
Apr 1, 2013 6:15 PM ET
Monthly Member Spotlight

Every month we profile a different member who helps make our community so unique. To learn more about our network of engaged EHS and Sustainability professionals, please visit us online at www.naem.org.
As the global emphasis on environmental responsibility and sustainability continues to grow, the traditional field of health and safety needs to grow with it by incorporating best practices. My knowledge base is limited from an environmental perspective; I want to learn more. What are you currently working on? My company has just started the ground work for joining Shell in the construction a major Carbon Capture Storage initiative in Alberta Canada. As the principal builder and supplier of the CCS unit modules, KBR welcomes the opportunity to join our client and the Province of Alberta in following the environmental policies that will allow for our work to be completed in a responsible and efficient manner. What do you like about your job? My job is multi-dimensional, which pushes me to learn as much as I can about safer work practices, helping the workforce appreciate healthy lifestyles as a way to a long and rewarding career and bringing environment responsibility into our everyday conversations. What career accomplishment are you most proud of? I was once given the job of managing the evacuation of more than 4000 people from northern communities during a public emergency involving forest fires. All residents were evacuated and then returned to their homes weeks later. In the chaos of such an event, we managed to execute the entire operation with entirely positive results. What are the three words your spouse/colleagues/best friends would use to describe you? He’s always smiling. What aspect to the natural world/environment impresses you the most? Why? I love to watch young wildlife or domestic livestock in the late Spring and early summer. They are much like children; they have very few worries and run and play all day long. It’s such a wondrous sight to see them enjoying a new life on earth. What do you like to do during your free time? I enjoy spending time with my children and my grandchildren very much, but I am somewhat solitary during my free time. Reading good books, cleaning my garage and taking a walk with my wife along the forest’s edge are all things that bring peace of mind.
To read more profiles of the EHS and sustainability leaders in NAEM's membership, please visit: http://www.naem.org/?page=Member_Spotlight