Watch: Together We Can End Malaria for Good - New Videos from Novartis Mark World Malaria Day
The fight against malaria continues to advance, led by the hard work of countless people. On World Malaria Day, meet some of the faces behind the Novartis Malaria Initiative and listen to their stories.

Watch the video: Together we can end malaria for good
Novartis is proud of the passion of our people and their dedication to the fight against malaria.
Meet some of the faces behind the Novartis Malaria Initiative and listen to their stories in our new series of videos:
Watch the full video - Together we can end malaria for good
View indivdual stories:
Thierry Diagana, Head of the Novartis Institute for Tropical Diseases
Rebecca Stevens, Head of Partnerships, Novartis Social Business
David Hughes, Senior Global Program Head, Clinical Development
Nathan Mulure, Head of Novartis Social Business, East Africa
Dismus Mwalukwanda, a community healthcare worker who uses his cycle ambulance to take patients to a malaria clinic in rural Zambia
About the Novartis Malaria Initiative
Learn more about the Novartis Malaria Initiative, and our efforts to improve access to treatment, help communities in malaria-endemic countries deliver better healthcare and research and develop the next generation of antimalarials.